I promised God that until my last breath it would be for my poor young people. I study for you, I work for you, I live for you. I am also willing to give my life for you.
St. John Bosco
Don Bosco, a legendary Italian Saint, a luminous educationalist and a great champion of youth, is our inspiration and guiding star.
We study and imitate him, admiring in him a splendid blending of nature and grace.
He was deeply human, rich in the qualities of his people open to the realities of this earth; and he was just as deeply the man of God, filled with the gifts of the holy Spirit and living “as seeing him who is invisible”.
These two aspects combined to create a closely-knit life project, the service of the young.
Don Bosco’s magnificent vision of reaching out to millions of youth across the globe is being realized today through his faithful followers – priests, brothers and lay people. Through the variety of activities and various initiatives we aid young people to find happiness and lead a meaningful life. The headquarters are in Rome and it has branches in 133 countries. We are globally recognized as specialists in the field of education for youth.