Sig. GALLO Giulio
breve biografia..
Sig. Il Sig. Giulio nasce a Borgoricco (PD) in seno ad una famiglia tradizionalmente cristiana.
He was baptized on 02.02.1938 in Borgoricco and received confirmation on 02.20.1946.
Entra per la prima volta come aspirante nell’istituto salesiano missionario di Mirabello Monferrato (AL) nel 1950.
He begins the novitiate in Villa Moglia (TO) on 08.15.1956 and assigned to the province of the Middle East.
Emette la prima professione nel 1957 a Villa Moglia.
Viene inviato a El Houssoun (Libano) a completare i suoi studi superiori dal 1957 al 1959.
Nel 1959 viene trasferito in Iran dove fa la professione perpetua a Now Shahr il 05.07.1963.
Rimane in questo Paese fino al 1973 svolgendo il suo servizio come factotum, assistente e insegnate.
In 1973 obedience destined him to Egypt where he remained until the year of his demise.
He went first to Alexandria, from 1973 to 1982, as a teacher and then went to Cairo El-Sahel, from 1983 to 2022, he served as a teacher in the electronics laboratory and later he extended his service in the institute in various capacities.
He passed away in Cairo after a short period of illness on 2 October 2022.
Sig. Giulio is remembered as a simple, generous, religious, jovial, passionate, caring, a man of community and prayer.